Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 7, 2017
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Chair, let me start by acknowledging my colleagues, Representatives Emmer and Nolan. I'm proud to call both of you my friends, but I'm speaking tonight because I disagree with this amendment.

We can be open to new types of mining in Minnesota when the necessary environmental reviews are met, like in the case of Polymet, which I support.

Taconite mining is part of Minnesota's DNA. However, the copper-nickel mining being proposed on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area is not taconite mining, and has never been done before in Minnesota. Earlier this year, the Trump administration said it would allow the current environmental review process to proceed to
completion. I support that decision, and I oppose this amendment's effort to defund an ongoing environmental review to protect one of Minnesota's natural treasures. Indeed, it's one of our country's most spectacular wilderness areas.

The Boundary Waters is Minnesota's Yellowstone. Hundreds of thousands of Americans visit on fishing and canoe trips annually. Some of the best memories of my life have taken place in the Boundary Waters, both as a child and now as a parent with my daughters.

The public process that is underway after hundreds of thousands of people weighed in with their comments, should not be ignored and tossed aside. And, a science-based assessment of the best management practices
of this sensitive ecosystem should be adhered to. We owe it to future generations to understand the impact copper-nickel mining poses to Minnesota's most precious water and land before we put it at risk.

